Kentaro Yamada - b.d.b.d.b.d.b.d.b.d.
Kentaro Yamada
Exhibition 24.05.2014 - 27.06.2014
b.d.b.d.b.d.b.d.b.d.b.d.b.d.b.d.b.d.b was a solo show by London based Japanese artist Kentaro Yamada.
On this occasion Yamada presents a series of objects and situations that address his interests in the intersection between human creativity, subjectivity and their relationship with bare material that came to form our surroundings since the beginning of time.
The artist sees craft as an embedment of our subjective self in material history. A creative act is a human way to interact with materials that compose all matters on earth and in Space. For the artist primordial creativity can be found in simple actions ever since thinking of how cavemen probably woke up in their caves and started tussling with muddy clay as a way to make sense and create reality in their world.
For his first solo show at MARS! Kentaro Yamada presents a series of objects that each refer to such ideas. Planes from various materials, objects and perspectives are intertwined to create poetic rhythm and balance. This collection of objects are supported by copper tubings - see-through structures that will change their colour due to oxidation over the duration of the exhibition.
By the window ledge, a black pool of used engine oil collected from a local garage, is juxtaposed with a horizontal yellow florescent light alluding to a horizon line, activating the installation as a whole to create a situation similar to landscape.
Works list:
Stoneware Chawan bowls hand made by Kenju (the artist's father) and Kentaro Yamada, resin cast, Copper tubings
250 million year old salt rock crystal, concrete replica with added table salt, resin cast, Copper tubings
Well travelled German rock, well travelled New Zealand rock, Wood cast concrete, Copper tubings
Copper glazed stoneware volcano, Ceramic rock cast with rock from Thames river glazed with powdered rock Wood cast concrete, Copper tubings
Unfired Clay pool with used engine oil
Fluorescent light, incandescent light bulb, copper glazed ceramic form
№ 10/22
№ 1/1